Before you start reading this take a Deep Breath. This may at times become intense. It may make you doubt how strong your faith
is. It may make you rethink what you are
doing today. Yet, know that God is there
with Open Arms saying Come to Me.
If you have never accepted Jesus as your one and only Savior
you may be going through life struggling.
Your spirit may be crying out for help.
You may feel defeated and hopeless.
Yet know that God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.
If you have accepted Christ in your life you may be
struggling. You may feel that the path
that you’re walking is leading to nowhere.
You may feel that you have stumbled.
You may feel that you are letting God down. Yet know that God is there with Open Arms
saying Come to Me.
Life is full of struggles.
We sometimes feel like our life has been turned upside down. We are trying to follow God’s path, yet it
feels like you are getting nowhere. You hope
beyond hope that you are following God’s plan.
Yet, deep down inside you feel that you are not following the plan God
has set for you. Yet, know that God is
there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.
You may feel that your faith is being tempted. You may feel that the path is rocky. You take the leap of faith yet as you take
that step you lose your nerve. You worry
if you are really doing what God wants.
Yet, know that God is there with Open arms saying Come to Me.
When doors close on us God is there opening a window. When our path gets blocked God is there
leading us down a new path. When our
faith starts failing God is there to pick us up. When our heart is heavy laden God is there
carrying the load. Know that no whatever
is happening God is there with
Open Arms saying Come to Me.
God gives us all the opportunity to accept the free gift of
everlasting life. It is up to us to say
here we are God I accept your gift. It
is up to us to accept the salvation that comes through Christ Jesus. God does not judge you by who you are. God is there for everyone with Open Arms
saying Come to Me.
We need to accept that when we are truly following God our
faith will strengthen. We when are faced
with troubles that we cannot overcome God is there. When take our eyes off the one True Living
God and stumble in the waves of fear and doubt there is hope. When you accept God in your life you have no
reason to ever fear because God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.
The question that you need to ask yourself is where God is
calling me to go. Follow God in faith and
you will see the entire world change.
You will be able to stand up and face your fears and doubts. When the waves knock you to your feet God
will pick you up. When your faith
waivers God will hold on to you and help you regain your faith. We are assured of one thing in this world and
that is God is always there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.
Walk today in the path that God has for you. Accept that you may go places that you
thought you would never go. You might
find that the place you are right now no longer is where you should be. You might find that God is guiding you to a
new destination one where people need to hear what you need to say. We need to accept that God may be leading us
to a place where people need to see our faith shine through. God may be guiding you to do something that
you thought was impossible. Yet, you
know in your heart as you go where God leads that the Open Arms of God are
there and God is saying Come to Me.
Take that challenge do not be afraid. Walk with hope and faith. Do not worry about the future. Allow God to be the guide in your path of
life. Keep your eyes above the
waves. When the waves become turbulent
know that God is there helping you make it.
Accept that God is Always there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.
Today can be the day that you ask God into your heart. God will forgive you for whatever you have done. God will accept you for who you are. God will not deny you salvation if you ask
God in your heart. God doesn’t alienate
who can and who cannot receive everlasting life. In all things that God is there with Open
Arms saying Come to Me.
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