One of the hardest things to be is a Christian that is also
part of the LGBTIQA (gay) community. This has to do with the judgements that come
from both groups. There is this distrust
to dislike behavior that is reflected on anyone that claims to be both. The issue that we have to address is how to
break this chain so that the closeted Christians who are gay can come out and
be free to be who they truly are.
Let us start at the level of what it is like to be gay and
be a Christian. Many churches throughout
the world have decided that being gay is a deadly sin. To explain this theory you have to understand
that majority of religions believe if you know something is sin and continue doing
it then you are not forgiven for that sin.
They have chosen a few scriptures and use them to conclude that being
gay is a sin.
In the Gay Christian community we call these verses the clobber
verses. One of the clobber verses used
is from the book of Leviticus chapter 18.
Yet, if you look at the entire book of Leviticus you will find that
there are many things that we would now consider barbaric. We would never kill disobedient kids. We have no problem eating shell fish. We have no problem where clothes made of
mixed material. Yet, we are willing to
pick and choose what verses in Leviticus we want to use. If it goes against our beliefs then we don’t use
them. Yet, if you want to go against
what someone else is doing just pull that verse out and use it.
It is very hard for someone to be a Gay Christian because it
is hard to find a place where you can worship in peace. You are on the hunt to find someplace that
affirms who you are. It gets to the
point that some Gay Christians end up at churches that accept them being
gay. Yet, there are restrictions that
they place on their lifestyle. One of
the most used is that a person can be gay yet they must be celibate. Therefor it is only acceptance in words not
in true reality.
There are churches on the other hand that do accept gays as
part of the church community. Churches
like the Metropolitan Community Church and the United Church of Christ that are
progressive and affirm that being gay is not a sin. It is taught in these churches that gay isn’t
a choice but the way the person was created.
Since God does not create anything wrong being gay is not wrong.
Once a person who is Gay and Christian find this place where
they can worship they can partially step out of the closet. They are allowed to
be gay at church and that is helpful for their spiritual needs. Yet, they feel as if they cannot go out as a
Christian who happens to be Gay. This
means that they feel as if they cannot come out as a Christian in the Gay
community. There are strong reasons for
this. The biggest reason is that they
feel as if they have to justify their decision why they are a Christian.
If you have been at any pride parade you have more than likely
experienced the religious fanatics standing on the sidelines shouting that gays
are going to Hell. Yet, if you truly
study the Bible you will see that we are not to judge others. Then wouldn’t this mean that these people
would be committing a sin when they are judging others. What even makes it worse is that they are
pushing people that need God away because of their propaganda.
This hateful speak causes a distrust in the gay community of
anyone claiming to be gay. There is a
feeling that you must have a hidden agenda.
That you are just saying you are gay and that you really are not. The problem is that there is so much hate that
has been tossed out in the public by people who call themselves “Christians”
that is has affected the whole Christian community.
In fact, for many it is easier to be open in the Christian
Community than it is in the gay community.
There are little pockets where you feel safe and can be out in the gay community. Yet, there are also those times that you have
to explain to people how you can be both.
I am one of the lucky ones that found a church community that also gave
me a gay community to exist in openly. Tell
everyone that I am a proud Christian that just happens to be gay.
Because of that type of affirming group I am out to the
whole community as a happy and proud Christian that just happens to be
Gay. I do not hide that I am gay at
church. I do not hide I am a Christian
in the gay community. Hopefully if you
are reading this you can come to find that you can be both and be happy. The Christian community needs to be more open
and accepting of those that are GLBTIQA.
The GLBTIQA community needs more people to come out of the Christian
closet so that they can see there are positive gay Christians.
If you are searching for a safe place to start this journey
I want you to know that you can look up progressive affirming churches
throughout the world. One thing that I
would wish for all that read this is that they come to know the loving God that
has made us and does not think we are unworthy.
If you are a Christian who happens to be gay do not hide in the closet
of shame instead share your story with other GLBTIAQ who are willing to
listen. If you are a Gay Christian be
open an honest with other Christians so they can see that we love and worship
the same God.
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