
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Gay Christian's Stance On Indiana's Newly Signed Law

The last week has been more than interesting for someone that lives just across the river from Indiana.  It is also been very upsetting for me as a Gay person knowing that people do not care if they discriminate against me.  Yet, that isn’t the thing that has made this very hard to talk about.  The most disturbing thing is the Christian stance on this law.  Especially since I am not only Gay, I am Christian that happens to be gay.

It is very disappointing to hear that Christians think it is okay to discriminate against anyone.  Christ was about love not hate.  As Christians we do not have the authority to judge our fellow human.  Yet, it seems that certain Christians have forgotten this. 

The thing that has upset me is that people are now thinking that this is how Christians act.  I have had a hard time dealing personally with the feelings that people have on individuals who are talking about this who are Christians.  There are many that believe God Loves All People.  There are many Christians that believe that God does not judge people for the way they look or the way they love.  This is not only true of Gay Christians but many throughout the world.

God sees our souls.  God doesn’t look at the person that was created in God’s perfect image and say this is not what I created.  All people throughout the world no matter what they look like, no matter what sex they are, no matter what abilities they have, no matter their sexual orientation, no matter their gender identity God created us.  Imagine how things would be if we all looked, acted and lived the same way.  Wouldn’t this be a very boring and difficult place to live?  We would not know who we loved; who we called friends in fact we wouldn’t do anything different so we would be like robots.  God did not create a world of robots.  God created a world of diversity.

The thing that bothers me the most is that people are now standing up and speaking for all Christians.  The hateful words coming out of their mouths are supposed to be the truth that all Christians believe.  Yet, just look at how diverse Christianity is.  How could a religion with so many divisions be able to stand united in one voice?  I know that I do not stand alone when I say that the people who wanted this law were not living in a spirit of Christ’s love.

The Savior I serve did not hang out with the top citizens.  God was in those places that people would consider unclean.  He ate with an entire range of people.  He healed people who were excluded from society.  Even his disciples were a rough and tumble group of men and women.  They were not scholars instead they were regular men and women who felt the calling of God on their heart.
I believe that God calls us all to treat others with total love and respect.  We have to live our life following the example Jesus made.  Anyone that believes that they can discriminate is not living the life that Jesus modeled.  Jesus wants us to be open to people that are different from ourselves.  In fact, there is no one that is exactly like us.  So who then are we to discriminate against? 

The problem with this law doesn’t just stop with the ramifications for gay and lesbians it goes much further.  It makes it that anyone who is different from you can be discriminated against based on your religious beliefs.   This goes against the very thing that happened with the civil rights movement of the sixties.  We said then you cannot discriminate against people because of their differences.  Yet, this law opened the door for you to discriminate against anyone and then claim it was your religious right.  It has torn a wound in the civil rights that so many fought and died for.

I found it interesting today that the Governor held a press conference demanding the legislators to present a new law to him to correct the loopholes in this one.  So basically write a law that says a person can’t be discriminated against.  Yet, at the same time says business owners have a right not to do services that are against their religious beliefs.

Therefor I can’t openly discriminate but if you want me to do something that I think is against my beliefs I can tell you I won’t do it and I will not face any legal charges.  Therefor I can’t say I will not serve you because you look or believe differently from me.  But I can say that what you want me to do is against my religious beliefs.
Confusing right.  Here is a good example that might help explain what Gov. Pence is wanting from the legislation. 

Two men come into a bakery to order a cake.  The shop owner can’t tell them to get out because they are a gay couple.  The men then say that they need the cake for their wedding.  At this point the owner says I can’t make a cake for you because your marriage is against my religious beliefs.   I believe that I cannot do anything that shows my support because my religion says that two men can’t be married.
Now being upset the two men take the shop owner to court because they didn’t get the cake that they wanted to order.  The defense attorney asks them both did the shop owner tell you to leave the shop because of your sexual orientation.  Both men say no, nothing was said that we had to leave because we were gay.  Yet, this isn’t why we are taking the owner to court, we are suing because the owner wouldn’t make the cake we wanted for our marriage.  Did the owner tell you why they wouldn’t make the cake? Yes the owner said that it would be against their religious beliefs to make a cake for our wedding.

So during the closing arguments the defense attorney says.  These men were not discriminated because they were gay.  They both admitted that they were not told to leave the bakery because they were gay. The owner just refused to make a cake that would have shown support for gay marriage which is against their religious beliefs. 

Judge decision, hold onto your hat, then there is nothing done illegally.  Now does it make sense?  The decision is based on the law that says the baker can’t discriminate, ask you to leave because you are gay.  Yet, they can refuse to provide a service that is against their religious views.  Even if that means that they are discriminating against you by not providing the service that you came into the shop to have performed.

The sad thing is that they would not even look at refining the law if people hadn’t responded the way they did.  The elected officials still believe they did the right thing.  When money talk’s people change their minds on what they should and should not do.  You can see the dollar signs in their eyes as you hear people saying we need to fix this.  They weren’t considering the fact that because of other people’s religious or political views they would discriminate against the entire state of Indiana.

I can only imagine the emotional scars that have been inflicted on people that were trying to come out of the closet.  Imagine being a kid knowing you are gay but afraid to tell anyone because they could choose to stand against you legally.  Imagine being a child that isn’t a Christian and hearing people saying that we can legally choose not to serve you because you are not worshiping my way. Imagine being a kid that was different in any way from their peers and the angst that they have that they can be treated differently and it be okay? What have we done to our children in only a weeks’ time? 

It is even more complicated when you think about those kids that have had their bullying affirmed.  They do not have an adult role model to look at and see that it is wrong to hurt others.  They have heard on TV, Radio and seen it on the internet and so many other avenues that discriminating is an okay thing.  They have heard adults talk about the ways they have discriminated against people that were different from them.  They have heard people talk hate using Christianity as the basis.  If you were a kid that picked on other kids would you not feel that it was okay?

Are we not hurting the next generation of adults by a move like this?  We as adults have to accept the abuse that we have done to these our children by bringing something like this to the forefront of the national and international front.  We have to accept that we are all affecting how kids will be when they grow up.  It is hard enough being a kid and facing those years where your body starts to change.  Yet, what have we done?  We have established the principal that it is okay to be mean to people that aren’t like us.  Whoever the we is now has been given the right to say the others are less important than we are.

Christians and other religious leaders have to make a stand against this kind of hate and discrimination.  We have to stand up and say that we do not agree with the way that religion has been used to justify hate in this world.  We have to fight against acts like this.  If we do not I question us thinking we are better than those that are using the name of Religion to discriminate against others? 

We have to tear down the walls that have been built around the world that lead to discrimination and hateful deeds.  People all around the world are being affected by people thinking that they are less human than they are.  This isn’t a new issue.  Yet, it has given us a chance to talk about the action that we must take.  It has given us a chance to see that many people of all different religions and beliefs do not want others to be hurt emotionally, physically and spiritually.

It is time to take action before anyone else can come up with laws that hurt others.  We have shown government that we want all people treated equally.  Who would ever think that a law passed in the little state of Indiana would bring the attention that it has?  I hope that other leaders in the government think about the ramifications that have happened in the last week.  I hope that as we face decisions based on marriage rights, adoption rights and all other types of equality rights that people in government think on this week and make the right decision. 

I believe that people have the right to practice their religious beliefs.  Yet, I also believe that in most religions around the world the practice of discrimination is not a core belief.  The God I serve has given the most precious gift to ensure that all would be able to receive eternal life.  I was angry most of the last week thinking about the statements that people were saying in the name of Christianity.  Yet, now I have come to the conclusion that instead of keeping quiet I had to say something.  We who believe in the Living God have to say enough is enough. 

The decision to stand up against the current issue has nothing to do with me being Gay.  In fact, I fear that the law could affect so many different people that being gay isn’t even the issue at hand.  I have made the decision to stand up because my God has taught me to love everyone.  I am not saying that I am perfect by any means.  We have all done things that we are ashamed of. 

Yet, I am not ashamed to say that I am a Christian that happens to be gay.  I am not ashamed to say that I am a Christian that is against this or any law that can discriminate against others based on religious beliefs.   I am not ashamed to stand up and say that we need to give freedom to people all around the world to be different from what we consider the “norm.”

I might not believe just like you when it comes to your religious beliefs.  I might not like the way you do things.  I might not like the people you choose to love.  In reality, none of this matters.  I cannot, we cannot, discriminate because we don’t like what others are doing.  Instead we need to build bridges that unite people instead of building walls that keep us separate.  We have to do something today as people of faith to tell the world we don’t want laws that hurt others.  As people of faith we have to put aside our differences to see our similarities.

I guess what I am saying is that the government has made a mistake in this decision.  They have made mistakes with other laws that has allowed for discrimination.  Yet, we as people of faith cannot allow government leaders to use our religion to hurt others.  It is actually the worst thing that our government can do to people.  It infers that people of faith agree with discrimination. 

Pray for not only a change of the laws that discriminate.  Pray for a society in which we do not discriminate against others.  Pray for people to change their ways.  Pray for those that have been hurt this week.  Pray for those that have fought for civil rights throughout the world.  

Monday, March 30, 2015

Being a Christian When You Are Struggling in Your Life

The hardest time in our life to be a Christian is when we are facing struggles.  It is very easy to blame God for our struggles.  It is easy to think that the struggles are happening to make us stronger.  It is also easy to say that God is punishing us for not being faithful.

Yet, could it not be that God has nothing to do without struggles.  God loves us and wants us to live a happy life.  God wants us to be free from our burdens.  God doesn’t want us to struggle, yet we are facing struggles a lot of our life.

When you hear God doesn’t want you to struggle what comes to our mind?  If God doesn’t want us to struggle why do we?  God is all powerful why then would God just stop our struggles or even never let them occur in the first place?  How can we stay faithful to God when we are just trying to make it through the day?

Could it not be if we do not struggle we would never build our relationship with God?  We need to think on this a minute.  We all go through different degrees of struggling throughout our life.  How many times have we grown closer to God when we get to the other side?  In most cases, this is exactly what happens to us.  We find that we are closer to God because of being able to make it to the other side.

Things get more complicated when we have chronic illnesses.  We struggle daily with things that slowly are getting worse.  How can we grow closer to God in these moments?  It is easy when you think about it this way.  Even though you are going through chronic illnesses, you can find multitude of blessings.  You can discover that there are good days.  There are days in which you were able to do things that you thought were impossible.  In most situations, God opens a window for us to go through and utilize the skills that we do have. 

You will always have limitations sometimes to the point that we cannot work.  Yet, there are little things we can do that will make our life complete.  You may never know today may be the day that you wake up and for a few minutes forget that you are unable to do what you love to do.  Those moments are blessings from God.

Then there are those moments when we face death of a close friend or family member.  How are we able to stay close to God in those moments?  Are we not quick to blame God for their death?  We question why did God take our friend or family member?  We all know these are things that we have thought when someone died. Yet, let us look at this a different way.  What if God is taken that person home so that they no longer have to struggle?  Could it not be that God is giving the other person a blessing?  When we look at it this we can see that God isn’t an evil, retaliating God.  Instead we can see that God is a loving God that does not want his people to struggle.

We have to remember in all things God is carrying the heaviest part of our burden.  You have to remember that God only gives you what you can handle.  The rest of the struggle God is carrying.  Each one of us can handle different amounts of struggles.  Thank god for carrying the weight.  When the struggle is over thank God for helping you make it through it.  In the end remember that our struggles can turn into something positive in our life if we look for the lesson that we could learn and not repeat the same mistake.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Being A Christian in the LGBTIQA Community

One of the hardest things to be is a Christian that is also part of the LGBTIQA (gay) community.   This has to do with the judgements that come from both groups.  There is this distrust to dislike behavior that is reflected on anyone that claims to be both.  The issue that we have to address is how to break this chain so that the closeted Christians who are gay can come out and be free to be who they truly are.

Let us start at the level of what it is like to be gay and be a Christian.  Many churches throughout the world have decided that being gay is a deadly sin.  To explain this theory you have to understand that majority of religions believe if you know something is sin and continue doing it then you are not forgiven for that sin.  They have chosen a few scriptures and use them to conclude that being gay is a sin. 

In the Gay Christian community we call these verses the clobber verses.  One of the clobber verses used is from the book of Leviticus chapter 18.  Yet, if you look at the entire book of Leviticus you will find that there are many things that we would now consider barbaric.  We would never kill disobedient kids.  We have no problem eating shell fish.  We have no problem where clothes made of mixed material.  Yet, we are willing to pick and choose what verses in Leviticus we want to use.  If it goes against our beliefs then we don’t use them.  Yet, if you want to go against what someone else is doing just pull that verse out and use it. 

It is very hard for someone to be a Gay Christian because it is hard to find a place where you can worship in peace.  You are on the hunt to find someplace that affirms who you are.  It gets to the point that some Gay Christians end up at churches that accept them being gay.  Yet, there are restrictions that they place on their lifestyle.  One of the most used is that a person can be gay yet they must be celibate.  Therefor it is only acceptance in words not in true reality. 

There are churches on the other hand that do accept gays as part of the church community.  Churches like the Metropolitan Community Church and the United Church of Christ that are progressive and affirm that being gay is not a sin.  It is taught in these churches that gay isn’t a choice but the way the person was created.  Since God does not create anything wrong being gay is not wrong. 

Once a person who is Gay and Christian find this place where they can worship they can partially step out of the closet. They are allowed to be gay at church and that is helpful for their spiritual needs.  Yet, they feel as if they cannot go out as a Christian who happens to be Gay.  This means that they feel as if they cannot come out as a Christian in the Gay community.  There are strong reasons for this.  The biggest reason is that they feel as if they have to justify their decision why they are a Christian. 

If you have been at any pride parade you have more than likely experienced the religious fanatics standing on the sidelines shouting that gays are going to Hell.  Yet, if you truly study the Bible you will see that we are not to judge others.  Then wouldn’t this mean that these people would be committing a sin when they are judging others.  What even makes it worse is that they are pushing people that need God away because of their propaganda.

This hateful speak causes a distrust in the gay community of anyone claiming to be gay.  There is a feeling that you must have a hidden agenda.  That you are just saying you are gay and that you really are not.  The problem is that there is so much hate that has been tossed out in the public by people who call themselves “Christians” that is has affected the whole Christian community. 

In fact, for many it is easier to be open in the Christian Community than it is in the gay community.  There are little pockets where you feel safe and can be out in the gay community.  Yet, there are also those times that you have to explain to people how you can be both.   I am one of the lucky ones that found a church community that also gave me a gay community to exist in openly.   Tell everyone that I am a proud Christian that just happens to be gay. 

Because of that type of affirming group I am out to the whole community as a happy and proud Christian that just happens to be Gay.  I do not hide that I am gay at church.  I do not hide I am a Christian in the gay community.  Hopefully if you are reading this you can come to find that you can be both and be happy.  The Christian community needs to be more open and accepting of those that are GLBTIQA.  The GLBTIQA community needs more people to come out of the Christian closet so that they can see there are positive gay Christians. 

If you are searching for a safe place to start this journey I want you to know that you can look up progressive affirming churches throughout the world.  One thing that I would wish for all that read this is that they come to know the loving God that has made us and does not think we are unworthy.  If you are a Christian who happens to be gay do not hide in the closet of shame instead share your story with other GLBTIAQ who are willing to listen.  If you are a Gay Christian be open an honest with other Christians so they can see that we love and worship the same God.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me

Before you start reading this take a Deep Breath.  This may at times become intense.  It may make you doubt how strong your faith is.  It may make you rethink what you are doing today.  Yet, know that God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.

If you have never accepted Jesus as your one and only Savior you may be going through life struggling.  Your spirit may be crying out for help.  You may feel defeated and hopeless.  Yet know that God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.

If you have accepted Christ in your life you may be struggling.  You may feel that the path that you’re walking is leading to nowhere.  You may feel that you have stumbled.  You may feel that you are letting God down.  Yet know that God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me. 

Life is full of struggles.  We sometimes feel like our life has been turned upside down.  We are trying to follow God’s path, yet it feels like you are getting nowhere.  You hope beyond hope that you are following God’s plan.  Yet, deep down inside you feel that you are not following the plan God has set for you.  Yet, know that God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.

You may feel that your faith is being tempted.  You may feel that the path is rocky.  You take the leap of faith yet as you take that step you lose your nerve.  You worry if you are really doing what God wants.  Yet, know that God is there with Open arms saying Come to Me.

When doors close on us God is there opening a window.  When our path gets blocked God is there leading us down a new path.  When our faith starts failing God is there to pick us up.  When our heart is heavy laden God is there carrying the load.  Know that no whatever is happening God is there with 
Open Arms saying Come to Me.

God gives us all the opportunity to accept the free gift of everlasting life.  It is up to us to say here we are God I accept your gift.  It is up to us to accept the salvation that comes through Christ Jesus.  God does not judge you by who you are.  God is there for everyone with Open Arms saying Come to Me.

We need to accept that when we are truly following God our faith will strengthen.  We when are faced with troubles that we cannot overcome God is there.  When take our eyes off the one True Living God and stumble in the waves of fear and doubt there is hope.  When you accept God in your life you have no reason to ever fear because God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.

The question that you need to ask yourself is where God is calling me to go.  Follow God in faith and you will see the entire world change.  You will be able to stand up and face your fears and doubts.  When the waves knock you to your feet God will pick you up.  When your faith waivers God will hold on to you and help you regain your faith.  We are assured of one thing in this world and that is God is always there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.

Walk today in the path that God has for you.  Accept that you may go places that you thought you would never go.  You might find that the place you are right now no longer is where you should be.  You might find that God is guiding you to a new destination one where people need to hear what you need to say.  We need to accept that God may be leading us to a place where people need to see our faith shine through.  God may be guiding you to do something that you thought was impossible.  Yet, you know in your heart as you go where God leads that the Open Arms of God are there and God is saying Come to Me.

Take that challenge do not be afraid.  Walk with hope and faith.  Do not worry about the future.  Allow God to be the guide in your path of life.  Keep your eyes above the waves.  When the waves become turbulent know that God is there helping you make it.  Accept that God is Always there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.

Today can be the day that you ask God into your heart.  God will forgive you for whatever you have done.  God will accept you for who you are.  God will not deny you salvation if you ask God in your heart.  God doesn’t alienate who can and who cannot receive everlasting life.  In all things that God is there with Open Arms saying Come to Me.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Love Has No Labels

How many of us when we first turned on the video were expecting something much different?  We have set prejudice and bias that we do not want to admit.  We have in our mind what love should look like.  We all do it.  We base our idea on love on past experiences.  We assume that people love just the way we love.  We say that we do not put labels on who can share love.  Yet deep down we do put labels on love.

The one difference that I think has the last stigma is that of different abilities.  I think that television and movies have really helped tear down this wall.  We see people returning from combat who have lost their limbs, have traumatic brain injuries or suffer from PTSD and are returning to their families.  Their families are just grateful to have them back that they overlook the disability.  The news has done a great job of showing that a disability doesn’t interfere with your ability to love.  We see stories of love between parents that have done great things to make their differently able child do miraculous things.  We see TV shows helping give people with disabilities anew release on life.  Many disabilities are not visible to our eyes.  We never know who we may fall in love with and then learn that they have life changing disabilities that are not visible to the eye.  Yet, that doesn’t keep us from loving them. 

My partner and I have no problem with society accepting our love due to us both having disabilities.  In fact, most of our friends are happy that we found someone that can accept our limitations.  We both have things that we can and cannot do and we work it out among ourselves.  It is amazing how you can have a disability and not be looked at as if you are incapable of showing love.  Most people will overlook the disability that we have and just see us as two people making the best of life with what we can do.  Our love is in no way affected by our disability in a negative way.  In fact, our love may be stronger because we want to be with each other as share as much time we have with each other.

Many of us do not have problems with people who are different races falling in love.   We have in most cases accepted that people who are different races can love each other.  Our children are in situations in which they have friends of different races and they grow up not looking at skin color when it comes to loving others.  In fact, that there are so many different kinds of people in the United States crossing the boundary of race we all have different make-up of races in our own body make up.  So how can we stop two people from loving each other because of race especially if we take account of the multitudes of races we are.

I can remember as a friend that my best friends were not the same race as myself.  I had friends that were all colors of the rainbow.  In fact, being part Native American the majority of all of my friends are a different race than I am.  My partner has African American in her genetic make-up.  So we do not share the same genetic race make-up, but it doesn’t that we love each other less.  In fact, our race has nothing to do with the amount of love we share with each other.  No one has ever said that you are can’t be together because of your race differences.  I know so many other biracial couples that love each other and they never look at each other and say we are special because we are different. 

Next we can accept that people of different ages can love each other.  We know in our own life that we have close friends that we love that are of different ages.  We have friends that are older than us.  We have friends that are younger than us.  It is not uncommon for people to fall madly love with someone that is not their age. 

My partner and I have 22 years difference in our age.  It is amazing how many people think that I am her child.  They want to look at us and try to justify in their mind our relationship.  Then after we tell them that we are a couple they usually say “Awe” and move on.  Our age difference hasn’t affected our love in a negative way.  Instead our love has matured over time as we have both aged and dealt with life.  I like to say that I learned had to be more mature and take on responsibility in our relationship.  My partner has kept young because she is with me.  We are able to learn from each other and grow closer to each other every day.

We usually have no problem accepting people with different religious backgrounds being in love.  In fact, in most situations you will not know that they do have different religious beliefs.  You often find out that your friends are just other people that have similar likes.  Then the days come that you find out that you do not share the same religion.  In most cases we remain friends and in some situations fall in love.  When you look at this video just think of this all the people may have different religious beliefs.  Yet, the only time that you question it is when people show outward signs of their religion that it even pops in your mind how can they be friends.  Yet, in other situations you would not question their friendship or the love a couple shares. 

I tell people all the time that we met the right way.  They look at me funny and then I say we met at Church.  You would first think that we share all the same religious beliefs.  Yet this is not entirely true there are things that we see differently.  Yet, we are both in love with each other.  We have learned from each other.   Those in our life do not know about the little differences that we have about religion. 

I also have other friends that are very close and dear that have very different religious beliefs from me.  Yet, it doesn’t affect our relationship.  Our similarities have led us to love each other.  No one judges because we are different.  We need to remember that we should not let religious beliefs keep us from loving each other. 

There is one stereotype that does bring a lot of prejudices.  Look at the first couple you see.  Couples behind the screen who are showing each other love.  Their skeletons do not let out the secret of their identity.  They stick their heads out from the screen and you find that they are two women.  This is one of the areas that people have the most trouble with.  

Think on this a moment how many people see a man and woman kissing and go “awe isn’t that sweet.”  The same people two men kissing or two women and their skin crawls.  People even get stressed out when they are holding hands or showing any type of affection.  They are afraid of them.  They fear that their kids may be influenced by them.  That somehow the public affection will lead to something terrible.   In some situations we miss that these same gender contacts might not be couples.  It may be two brother, two cousins, two sisters, showing each other affection.  Yet, we have been trained to think of this as a bad situation.   

I really believe that our religious institutions have caused some of the problems.  Many teach that it is a moral sin to show love to someone that is the same gender.  Many talk hate and spread fear throughout their congregation and the community.  The problem is that Jesus was the definition of love.  We have to show each other love for that is what God wants from us.  The problem is we have missed the fact that Jesus talks about love and we have taken a few scriptures and say that this is what God says about same sex relationships.

Being a lesbian couple is definitely not easy.  People judge us.  Our immediate family had to go through a time of adjustment some have accepted others shun us.  We get stares from people who think we should not be together.  We have people who try to convince us that we are living in sin.  It is very difficult to see people being able to hold hands and share their love.  While at the same time you have to be careful how you share your love in public.  You feel safe only in certain places.  You avoid certain areas because of fear of being hurt.  You go through life looking over your shoulder because you feel ostracized from mainstream society and you never know when a situation may go bad. 

All of our differences have helped us be able to share our love without people labeling our love.  For example with us both using assisted devices people understand when we are arm in arm helping each other.  Because of our age people always assume I am walking with my mom and they think it is sweet that we are so close.  People miss the fact that we share separate races. 

Look at your own life what labels are you putting on people.  Have you set up biases that affect how people can love?  Do you need to stop judging others?  Do you need to accept people and those that they love?  Do you need to open your hearts up to people that are different from you? 

The fact is that if you look at all the differences we share we will see that we all are in some ways different from others.  We will see that we are all a combination of many labels.  This only goes to show that we can live together in love.  In actuality, what you find is there are all kinds of different people that love each other.  We have to come and accept this and strive to show others it is okay to love each other in peace.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lent: to Give Up or to Take On

Lent is that time in the year that we prepare for Christ to take that long walk to Calvary.  To then be hung on the cross and to die to this world.  Then we wake up on Easter Morn with the Christ being the conqueror of this world.  Our life has been renewed and we are closer to God because of our time preparing for this pivotal moment in history. 

People often spend the time in prayer and fasting.  They will also give up something that means a lot to them.  This item helps reminds them of the life Jesus gave up for them.  This is considered a sacrifice that reminds them every day of giving up a little piece of themselves to God.  On Eastern Morn, many will go back to the things that they have given up.  They may choose different things each year but many sacrifice the same things.  We often think of giving up on red meat on Friday as an example of this type of sacrifice.  Through these actions they grow closer to Jesus and the sacrifice that was made for their life.

Other people will give up things that interfere with their connection with God.  We will hear people say they are giving up sugar, cigarettes, alcohol or other dangerous items.  This sacrifice leads them to draw closer to God.  In the process they choose a habit they feel has interfered with their relationship with God.  Over the period of Lent they come to realize that they do not need the habit in their life.  Therefor on Eastern Morn, they walk away from the habit for good.  This represents the fact that our sins were left behind in the grave when Jesus arose on Eastern Morning.

There are other people that take on things for Lent.  They see their sacrifice as taking on additional responses or activities which will bring them closer to God.  Many will take up reading scripture, starting a bible study, or doing a daily devotional.  Through taking on more things they are representing the many things that Jesus had to carry with him on the cross.  Jesus wasn’t on the cross because what he had done he was there because of what we had done.  Therefor taking on extra responsibilities leads the person to a closer walk to God. 

We also have to remember those that do not give up or take on anything for Lent.  They feel as they should live their whole life in dedication to God.  They believe there is no reason to do something special for a short period of time to express their love of God.  They feel that every day should be a day spent connected with God in as many ways as possible.

Now is one group right and the other groups wrong?  Is there a right way to observe Lent?  Is there a wrong way to observe Lent?  Is it wrong not to observe Lent?  We want things to fit in a perfect box so we have a hard time understanding when people do not do things the way we do it. 

Is there a possibility to come to a common ground?  A time in which we accept that our way is not the only way.  People miss the one thing that there four groups of people want.  They all want a closer walk with God.  If it helps someone to walk closer to God to give up something they cherish for a small amount of time, how can we deny it?  If it helps someone else to come closer to God by giving up a bad habit, why would we stop it?  If it helps someone feel closer to God by taking on extra spiritual things, who are we to say they are wrong?  If someone feels that they do not have to do anything yet desire a closer walk with God, who are we to criticize? 

God does not set in stone the ways that we must worship God.  The wonderful thing about God is that we can manifest our faith in the way that we need to do it that makes us feel closer to God.  We should never look down upon someone that is worshipping God in their own way.  We should rejoice in the fact that we are being joined by others in the preparedness of the arrival of our Savior.

There is one other thing that we need to consider.   How do we communicate with people that are not worshiping God?  The lost and unchurched those feel abandoned in the world.  How do we reach outside our comfort zones and bring Christ to them.  See we have to understand that religion has made victims throughout times.  We need to accept that there are people that have left the comfort zone of the church for one reason or another.  Many of them will never return.  How do we help them walk a little closer to God?

We can help these groups by sharing our stories.  We can be less critical of the way people live their life.  We can attempt to see the world through their eyes.  We need to try to see their pain and to share our pain.  When we are able to show people that Christ died for all, lives are changed.  It is shameful if we continue walking in our bubble missing the fact that there are so many in the world hurting today.  We have to be open to their differences before we can ever restore their hope.

The next time we come across someone that is in that place of uncertainty with God we need to stop and think back to when we felt the same way.  We need to ask ourselves what made us get over that feeling.  Did someone help us?  Did God deliver the message through an angel, a person like us?  Were we able to see Jesus in the way someone treated us?  Did we feel welcomed because someone accepted us the way we were without rejection?

Christians can observe Lent in so many ways and as long as their goal is the same then they are doing what God has called them to do.  Yet, if they fail to help one that is hurting they are not only walking further away from God but they are leading the person down the slippery slope.  Stop for one moment and ask God what you need to do this day.  Is God asking you to go out of your comfort zone?  Are you being asked to do something that you thought you would never do?  Is that what it takes to get you in a closer relationship with God?  Are you willing to do it?  Are you willing to help those that are hungry find food?  Are you willing to give drink to the thirsty?  Are you there to give spiritual comfort to those that are hurting?  If not what do you need to change or accept in your life to get to that point spiritually.

Lent it is up to you to live it the way that makes you feel closer to God.  Yet don’t forget about all those that need to see Christ in you.  Remember your closest walk with God may come in a way you least expected it.